Friday 18 April 2014

The Best of Customer Service - A Positive Attitude Counts by EABarnes

As a professional customer service representative, you always want to put your best foot forward. When communicating with customers, your attitude shows. With a warm and friendly smile, good eye contact and a willingness to be of service, you look and act the part of quality in control.
A positive attitude affects the work environment. The energy of a positive attitude produces the spirit of cooperation and helps the work team reach customer satisfaction goals when team members strive to be at their best performance. So a positive attitude enhances communication between customer service representatives and the customers being served.

People remember being treated well. They recognize and appreciate courtesy and kindness. How does your attitude create an effective customer experience? Here are a few pointers to help you step up your positive personality:
Be resourceful: Being able to think on your feet is a gift and a blessing.
Have accountability: Stand by your actions and gain the trust of others.
Perform follow-up: Ensuring a happy result shows that you care about the welfare of your customers.
Get a conscious for quality :Believe in fairness and strive for excellence
Manners please: Practice the golden rule: Do unto to others, as you would have them do unto you.
A considerate persona: Be positively genuine. People love to be around other people who think of them without personal motives
We all win in the service arena when you are the shining example of a great attitude. Your customers will be happier; so keep up the good work!


  1. I have posted this photo in my blog:

    I used it as a tip of good customer service. Please let me know if you do not agree this use. Regards,

  2. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of a positive attitude in customer service, EABarnes. Your point about the direct impact of a customer service representative's demeanor on the customer's experience is spot on. In this digital age, AI tools like VoiceSphere could serve as an innovative addition to the human touch you advocate for. VoiceSphere ( allows for interactive conversations with documents to obtain intelligent, context-aware responses, potentially streamlining customer service interactions even further. It can quickly provide representatives with information and answers, ensuring that the positivity is backed by efficiency and knowledge. This technology could enhance the quality of service by ensuring representatives are informed and ready to assist at all times. I believe your readers would benefit from a write-up on how such AI tools support customer service professionals in maintaining the positivity and competence that you rightly champion.
